姓名:tiommatlula@gmail.com [2021-10-05]
留言内容:Kochi (also known as Cochin) is a city in southwest India&aposs coastal Kerala state. It has been a port since 1341, when a flood carved out its harbor opened it to Arab, Chinese European merchants. Sites reflecting those influences include Fort Kochi, a tlement with tiled colonial bungalows diverse houses of worship. Cantilevered Chinese fishing nets, typical of Kochi, have been in use for centuries.
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Kochi (also known as Cochin) is a city in southwest India&aposs coastal Kerala state. It has been a port since 1341, when a flood carved out its harbor opened it to Arab, Chinese European merchants. Sites reflecting those influences include Fort Kochi, a tlement with tiled colonial bungalows diverse houses of worship. Cantilevered Chinese fishing nets, typical of Kochi, have been in use for centuries.
姓名:张军 [2021-10-03]
留言内容:亲爱的朋友:您好!目前传染性极强的Delta变种病毒(现又出现更强的拉姆達病毒)已迅速蔓延到17个省,这种病毒具有更强的免疫逃逸能力,即使是接种过疫苗者,或已康复的染疫者,也可能再度快速感染。各种预言也说了这几年人类有大灾难将淘汰一半人!古代著名的经典预言,从西方《圣经·旧约》的《但以理书》,《新约》的《启示录》,到中国大预言《马前课》、《推背图》、《刘伯温碑记》、《金陵塔碑文》等都被历史验证、证实过的。如刘伯温在预言中说 “贫者一万留一千,富者一万留二三”,“贫富若不回心转,看看死期到眼前”,也告诉世人如何逃离劫难的方法,我真心希望您能躲过末劫中的劫难,有个美好的未来,请您务必打开下方网址认真了解,内有躲避瘟疫保平安的方法。
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姓名:张军 [2021-10-03]
留言内容:目前病毒变异加速避疫速效解药在哪里?追根溯源,人们只有远离邪恶的中共,退出中共党团队组织,去除身体内加入党团队时邪灵所授印记,净化自身。同时,和宇宙正的能量产生共振,受到神灵的保护,如此,必能度过末世大疫之劫。朋友当您和家人或朋友被瘟疫困扰时,敬心诚念:“fa.lun.da.fa.hao,真善忍好” 这九字真言,相信您能平安度过这次特大劫难。给您给电话81368067050网址www.minghui.org
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